Fwd: Merry Christmas from Sweden

Posted By Nancy Todd at 9:38 AM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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I wanted to share …. From a dear friend of mine. Happy Holidays 

Merry Christmas from Sweden

Posted By Nancy Todd at 2:01 AM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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How true is this

Posted By Nancy Todd at 12:15 PM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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They say that when clowns walk into church, they don’t become priests, the church becomes a circus

Posted By Nancy Todd at 9:08 AM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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He who goes forth with a fifth on the fourth, may not come forth on the fifth.


Posted By Nancy Todd at 5:18 AM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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CS Lewis wrote this in 1942 Young man to the devil: “How did you manage to send so many people to hell?” • The devil: “Through fear.” • The young man: – Good for you! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger? • The devil: – No … Illness. • The young man: “Did they get sick? Did they die? Was there no cure?” • The devil: “They didn’t get sick. They just died. And there was a cure …” The young man: – “I do not understand…” The devil: “They believed that the only thing they had to keep at all costs was Life!” • They stopped hugging, stopped greeting each other. They left all human contacts … They left everything that was human! They ran out of money. They lost their jobs. They chose to fear for their lives, even if they had nothing to eat. They believed what they heard, read newspapers, and blindly believed they were reading the truth. They gave up their freedom. They never left their home again. They didn’t go anywhere. They never visited friends and family again. The whole world has become a huge prison with convicted volunteers. They voluntarily accepted everything! All this to experience another miserable day … They did not live, they died every day! It was too easy to take away their miserable souls … ” ~ CS Lewis, “Letters to the Soulmaster” (1942). ——-

Posted By Nancy Todd at 9:21 AM
Categorized Under: On the Road Again
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Dr explaining the pandemic to a coma patient who just woke up…
Dr: “They shut down the world because of a worldwide pandemic.” Patient: “OMG! How many people are infected?” Dr : “About 11 Million.” Patient: “OMG! 11 million people died?” Dr: “No, only 500 thousand… Kind of.” Patient: “What do you mean ‘kind of’?” Dr: “Well… they keep halving the number of deaths due to double counting, inaccurate tests and mislabeled death certificates. Also, most of the people that die are elderly and dying of other things. There are also people who died because of incorrect ventilator use and other treatments because no-one really understands the virus.” Patient: “I don’t get it. So how many died from ONLY the virus… like literally dropped dead in the street?” Dr: “No-one. Only in hospitals and nursing homes” Patient: “I don’t get it.” Dr: “Neither do I, it’s a very confusing time.” Patient: “So they cured the other 11 million people then?” Dr: “No, most didn’t have any symptoms and in fact they didn’t even know they had it.” Patient: “I don’t get it.” Dr: “Neither do I.” Patient: “It doesn’t sound very deadly. If the other 11 million people didn’t have symptoms then how do they even know they had the virus?” Dr: “They were tested.” Patient: “But you just said that the tests are inaccurate.” Dr: “They are. No-one has isolated the virus so the tests don’t really test for that.” Patient: “I don’t get it.” Dr: “Neither do I.” Patient: “Ok. So when will this pandemic be over?” Dr: “When they develop a vaccine to stop the virus.” Patient: “The virus that nobody gets or dies from.” Dr: “Exactly.” Patient: “I don’t get it.” Dr: “Neither do I —-