We’ve had a good summer. I haven’t written too much recently but I’ve been spending some great quality time with the gators. Don has been gone working on a project and the three of us have been solo, really enjoyed it too. We went to the open house at school on Friday and school starts tomorrow. I like both teachers and think it’s going to be a banner year for both of them. I asked them tonight, as i sat filling out the mountains of paperwork involved in registering children in school, if they had any questions. Sierra’s question was couldn’t we just go to bed right now (4 p.m.) so the day would get here sooner and Lincoln’s question was did I REALLY think they would give homework on the first day. Funny kids.
School is almost here and we can’t wait, the kids and mom too. School is out way too long and there’s too much tv involved through the summer. Will be glad to get back to some structure. Monday is the big day ….
My poor sisters family …. In June there was the sudden loss of a bright and shining star when 23 year old Bobby was found blue. Now less than two months later, his uncle, oldest brother to the mother of Bob and to my brother-in-law of 27 years, Tom,decided to end it all. No discussion, no room for error,he just checked out. How very, very sad for those left behind. I can’t say I understand.
Kiddos and I were getting restless so we packed up the car and took a road trip. Yes there happened to be a poker tournament involved and yes there was a new resort in Phoenix. We had a blast. A dear friend of ours, who is also the first recipient of The Hayden Scholarship, babysat and hung out with us. What a nice break. Kids voted to stay an extra day then we went to the Grand Canyon and then home. Nice trip.
Decided to pack up the kiddos and go to Arizona for a little road trip before school starts. We are meandering to the Grand Canyon and laughing ournway through. I did register for the Arizona State Poker Championship but had a brutal beat. It is what it is, this too shall pass. We are having fun and laughing like crazy. Great times.
Went down and played the Epic pre-game show but couldn’t get any traction. Then joined their Charity Event on Sunday night and had a really, really fun time. Michael Binger was going all in in the dark every hand, as it was a rebuy for charity, and we all laughed a lot. Picture of the event is here, it’s with Dwyte Pilgrim, who won Borgata last year.